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Mobility Monday

Mobility Monday: Week 2

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed week 1 and are keen to start adding some new exercises. If you have not seen week 1 we encourage you start there. Otherwise, here’s what Matty has for you this week: Workout: Upper Body Mobility Sleeper Stretch – 30 secs x 2-4 per sidePassive Hang – 60 secs […]

Mobility Monday

Mobility Monday: Week 1

Welcome to our first Mobility Monday! We have teamed up with our resident Range of Strength expert Matt MacNeil to bring you Mobility Monday, a weekly segment from Renfrew Range (more on Renfrew Range in a future post). We will provide you with a simple mobility workout each week that you can do in 15 […]

Your Gym is Too Intimidating

Ahhh, shucks, we’re flattered. However, it just isn’t true. We hear it almost weekly here at Renfrew, “I’d like to join your gym but it is too intimidating.” We understand why people think this, but the fact of the matter is, it just isn’t true. We understand that the environment here is different than in […]

Hours and Access Change

Renfrew Strength changes: Supplement store closes Monday and Tuesday until 3, Introducing After Hours Access! Starting December 3rd the office and supplement store will only be open 3pm – 10pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, the rest of the week and weekend hours will remain the same. If you need/want to access the gym during those […]

Junior Membership Program

We are happy to announce our new Junior Membership Program. This new program is designed to teach young athletes, between the ages of 13 – 18, how to train safely and effectively to reach their goals. As a member of the program young athletes will have access to guided and supervised workouts. The workout will be […]

Box Jumps Don’t Need to Always be Max Effort

We see it all the time in the gym. A member will come in a do their normal training (depending on their own goals) and then head to the jump boxes. This is when the foolishness starts. They will immediately stack the boxes up to some ridiculous height and attempt to “jump” onto it. Now, […]

5 Lift Christmas Total

On Dec 19th Renfrew Strength and Conditioning Center will be hosting, what we hope to be annual, 5 Lift Christmas Total. This will be a fun filled day where athletes will be attempting to find their 1 Rep Max in 5 main lifts; Squat, Snatch, Bench Press, Clean & Jerk and Deadlift. “That’s great, but […]


Hi, I’m the Renfrew Strength spiderman and this is my blog. You may have seen me hanging around the gym. I’m usually someplace where I don’t get in the way and where I can see what is going on. I have a hard time getting around myself due to injuries sustained from be being buried […]

Building a Gym

Well, we’ve been opened for about a month now and things are starting to calm down a bit. We’ve been very busy getting things finalized with the setup of the gym itself and the business. While we still have lots we’d like to do, things are setup pretty much the way we want for now. […]


You’re probably wondering what will set the Renfrew Strength and Conditioning Center (RSCC) apart for other gyms in the area. Well, there are probably a few things which we will discuss in other posts, but the main thing will be equipment. The first thing you will notice when you enter the RSCC is the equipment […]