Mobility Monday: Week 2
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed week 1 and are keen to start adding some new exercises. If you have not seen week 1 we encourage you start there. Otherwise, here’s what Matty has for you this week:
Workout: Upper Body Mobility
- Sleeper Stretch – 30 secs x 2-4 per side
- Passive Hang – 60 secs per grip
- Lean Away Lat Stretch – 60 secs per side
- Wall Facing Shoulder Extension – 60 secs x 2
Perform the above once through three times this week. We recommend separating each workout by a day if possible, for example do it Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Exercise Details
Sleeper Stretch
- Lie on your side with your shoulder stacked underneath you. You can use a pillow under your head if you’d like.
- Bring your elbow straight out from your shoulder and then slide slightly down, keeping rear delt glued to the floor.
- Bend your arm at the elbow so your fingers are pointed toward the ceiling. Keep your arm bent in this L position.
- Use your other hand to push your forearm down toward the floor to feel a stretch in the back of your shoulder and upper back.
- Press as far down as you comfortably can.
- Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Do 2-4 repetitions.
- Repeat on other side
Passive Hang
- Take an overhand grip on the bar.
- Level1- add tension to your upper body by lowering your hips and allowing more of your weight to be supported by your upper body or Level 2 take feet off the floor.
- Allow your shoulder and lat muscles to relax. Your body should sink, and your shoulders should be touching your ears (think ear muffs).
- Just hang there and let the weight of your body passively stretch your shoulders, lats, and back.
- Accumulate 60s of hanging.
- Repeat with an underhand grip.
Passive Hang
Lean Away Lat Stretch
- Start standing facing a horizontal bar at hip height.
- Take the bar in your hands with an over/under grip. We should feel the stretch on the side with the underhand grip.
- Lean away from the bar until you feel a stretch.
- Tuck your ribs down.
- Slowly twist by looking toward the straight arm side of your body and pointing chest toward straight arm.
- Hold stretch for 60s.
- Repeat on other side.
Lean Away Lat Stretch 1 Lean Away Lat Stretch 2
Wall Facing Shoulder Extension
- Start facing a wall with a dowel in your hands.
- Place hands starting at a snatch ( wide grip) grip with palms to cheeks.
- Keep shoulder blades pulled back and traps down.
- Keeping arms straight lift hands by externally rotating shoulder until you feel a stretch.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds then try to find more range for an additional 30 seconds.
- Rest 60 seconds and repeat stretch with hands closer together if you feel good after the first stretch.
Wall Facing Shoulder Extension 1 Wall Facing Shoulder Extension 1
And that’s it for this installment! If you would like more information, have questions or are interested in more help with your specific mobility issues feel free to contact us.