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Mobility Monday

Mobility Monday: Week 3

We hope you have enjoyed the first two weeks of Mobility Monday. So far Matty has introduced you to some basic stretches that will help greatly with your overall mobility and help with specific problem areas. You should refer back to these stretches often as you identify tight areas. This week focuses more on warming […]

Mobility Monday

Mobility Monday: Week 2

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed week 1 and are keen to start adding some new exercises. If you have not seen week 1 we encourage you start there. Otherwise, here’s what Matty has for you this week: Workout: Upper Body Mobility Sleeper Stretch – 30 secs x 2-4 per sidePassive Hang – 60 secs […]

Mobility Monday

Mobility Monday: Week 1

Welcome to our first Mobility Monday! We have teamed up with our resident Range of Strength expert Matt MacNeil to bring you Mobility Monday, a weekly segment from Renfrew Range (more on Renfrew Range in a future post). We will provide you with a simple mobility workout each week that you can do in 15 […]